What’s Just Over The Hill?

What’s Just Over The Hill?

Who Knows What 2017 Will Bring? Napa and surrounding areas will most likely continue on their trend lines: prices increasing gradually, inventory limited, perfect properties selling fast and challenging properties taking longer, a seller’s market for the most part,...
All The World’s A Stage

All The World’s A Stage

Even drive-by curb appeal is part of “staging.” If you’re thinking about selling, set the scene long before your first Open House. Look at your home as part of a streetscape, and consider what it “says” in marketing terms. Does it look tired and taken for granted, or...
What’s Normal About Median?

What’s Normal About Median?

And who’s flocking to these median-priced homes in Napa? Nothing about the median home price is normal in Napa. Or local. The median single-family home is now more than $575,000. What “normal,” average, “medium” single family can afford that? If a normal, average...