Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc. Surpasses Thousand-Day Safety Milestone

Employees at Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc. (DSS) continue to attain safety milestones



Data Shredding Services Site Safety – 1277 Days without a Loss Time Injury

For Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc.’s employee workforce, June 1, 2018 marked 1,277 days without a lost-time injury (LTI).  The achievement is a culmination of enhanced reporting, monitoring, and auditing, as well as an increased focus on preventative measures. By embracing a holistic approach to safety that includes training on workplace practices such as machine-specific lockout/tagout procedures, proper lifting techniques, and on-the-road safety, DSS has clocked in over three and a half years worked without a recordable injury.

Operations Manager Cesar Gonzalez credits the recently-achieved benchmark to the rich safety culture at Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc., stating that “this achievement is a reflection of the company’s faithfulness to creating a work environment where everyone looks after themselves and their colleagues.  The safety-workplace education we provide is welcomed, appreciated, and adhered to by all of our team members.” DSS employees, he added, are trained monthly and tested for proficiency.

In addition to participating in interactive trainings that strengthen the company’s safety culture, DSS employees also perform pre-task evaluations to identify and correct all hazards prior to starting work.  Moreover, internal processes which encourage both collective and individual responsibility help employees to not only hold each other accountable but also to achieve the high level of professionalism for which Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc. is known.

For additional information, please feel free to contact us directly.

Data Shredding Services of Texas, Inc.

615 West 38th Street
Houston, TX 77018